
A selection of our books and kits, organized in bundles at special combined prices

For detailed information on each product, please visit its corresponding site in the store

Panel Block Set

Panelki + Eastern Blocks

50 €

Photobook Set #2

Eastern Blocks + Concrete Siberia

46 €

Photobook Set #3

Eastern Blocks + Concrete Siberia + Monotowns

70 €

Photobook Set #4

Eastern Blocks + Concrete Siberia + Monotowns + Soviet Playgrounds

96 €

Photobook Set #5

Eastern Blocks + Concrete Siberia + Monotowns + Soviet Playgrounds + Kiosk

122 €

Photobook Set #6

Eastern Blocks + Concrete Siberia + Monotowns + Soviet Playgrounds + Kiosk + Eastern Blocks vol. II

150 €

Tenants Set

Brutal East II + The Tenants

50 €

Brutal East Set

Brutal East + Brutal East II

45 €

Zupa Set

8 Books: Eastern Blocks + Concrete Siberia + Soviet Playgrounds + Panelki + Brutal Poland + Brutal East II + Brutal East I + Modern East

189 €

Architecture Books, DIY books and Photography books by Zupagrafika

Super Zupa Set

14 Books: Kiosk + Concrete Siberia + Monotowns + Soviet Playgrounds + Eastern Blocks + The Tenants + Panelki + Concrete Hong Kong + Brutal Britain + Brutalia + Brutal Poland + Brutal East II + Brutal East I + Modern East

340 €

Brutal Set #3

Brutal Britain + Brutal Poland + Brutal East II

80 €

Brutal Set #4

Brutal Britain + Brutal Poland + Brutal East II + Brutalia

106 €

Brutal Set #5

Brutal Britain + Brutal Poland + Brutal East II + Brutalia + Concrete Hong Kong

134 €

Playful Set

Soviet Playgrounds + The Constructivist

44 €

Panelki Set

Panelki Book + Панельки (Panelki Pin Badge)

39 €

Soviet Set

Blokoshka + The Constructivist

36 €

PL Set

Brutal Poland + Eastern Blocks

50 €

Eastern Set

Brutal East + Modern East

36 €

Eastern Blocks Set

Eastern Blocks book + Notebooks Eastern Blocks (x 3)

40 €

Hidden Set

Hidden Cities: London + Hidden Cities: Moscow + Hidden Cities: Warsaw  

62 €

Brutal London Set

Aylesbury Estate +
Balfron Tower +
Barbican +
Ledbury Estate +
National Theatre +
Robin Hood Gardens +
Space House

59 €

Blokowice Set

Spodek +
'Gwiazdy' Estate  + Superjednostka + Katowice Central Station +
Odrodzenia Estate +
'Katowice' Pit-Shaft

52 €

Paris Brut Set

Les Choux de Créteil +
Orgues de Flandre +
Cité Curial-Michelet +
Cité des 4000 +
Centre National de la Danse

40 €

Panel Pin Set

Panelák + Mała Wielka Płyta + Der Kleine Plattenbau + Панельки

45 €