Many dismiss them as eyesores, Zupagrafika find them stunning. Their new book features 100 images of modernist housing estates and other unusual Soviet-era structures.

– Wired

David and Martyna photographed postwar estates across central and eastern Europe, finding strange, stark beauty in these concrete giants.

– The Guardian

Kiosk is a delightfully specific ode to a lost architectural form—one that gives a unique lens into the history of Eastern Europe.

– FastCompany

An original and playful metaphor to get to understand these structures often awaiting renovation or threatened by demolition.

– Domus

Zupagrafika´s Brutal London promotes one of the 20th century's most controversial architecture movements, which has come back into vogue in recent years.


Zupagrafika's books shed new light on this architectural phenomenon, providing valuable insight into the history of some landmark brutalist projects.


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